Threat Assessment and Management Basics for the College Counselor
June 5th, 2024, 9:00 AM - 4:30 PM EDT
Kean University, Downs Hall
6 CE Credits for clincians
With Stephanie Stein Leite, Psy.D.
Cost - Prices went up May 1st!
Registration, with CEs - $115.00
Early Bird price, $95 ($20 Discount), ended May 1st, 2024.
Registration, no CE's - $95.00
Early Bird price, $75 ($20 Discount), ended May 1st, 2024.
Students - $40.00
Early Bird price, $30 ($10 Discount), ended May 1st, 2024.
Lunch and light breakfast included.
Registration, with CEs - $115.00
Early Bird price, $95 ($20 Discount), ended May 1st, 2024.
Registration, no CE's - $95.00
Early Bird price, $75 ($20 Discount), ended May 1st, 2024.
Students - $40.00
Early Bird price, $30 ($10 Discount), ended May 1st, 2024.
Lunch and light breakfast included.
We all want to stop future acts of targeted violence such as a university shooting or an incident of workplace violence. College counselors are often asked to make critical decisions about people who are potentially violent, yet have little to no training in either assessing for violence or determining risk factors for targeted violence (which is different than reactive or emotional violence).
This in-person, full day training will introduce you to the world of threat assessment and management (TAM), the only preventative solution. Dr. Stephanie Leite, Psy.D., will teach you the difference between types of violence and expose you to basic threat assessment concepts. You will leave understanding the cornerstones of TAM and the building blocks of processing a threat as a practitioner or as part of a threat assessment team. You will also leave with a host of resources to learn more about TAM.
Learning Objectives
This educational activity is intended for Behavioral Health Professionals (including Psychologists, Social Workers, Counselors, and MFT's), Student Affairs Professionals (e.g. Deans, Public Safety Staff, Health Center Staff), College Administrators, Residential Life Staff.
We all want to stop future acts of targeted violence such as a university shooting or an incident of workplace violence. College counselors are often asked to make critical decisions about people who are potentially violent, yet have little to no training in either assessing for violence or determining risk factors for targeted violence (which is different than reactive or emotional violence).
This in-person, full day training will introduce you to the world of threat assessment and management (TAM), the only preventative solution. Dr. Stephanie Leite, Psy.D., will teach you the difference between types of violence and expose you to basic threat assessment concepts. You will leave understanding the cornerstones of TAM and the building blocks of processing a threat as a practitioner or as part of a threat assessment team. You will also leave with a host of resources to learn more about TAM.
Learning Objectives
- Differentiate between reactive and targeted violence.
- Determine where a person of concern is on the pathway to violence.
- Implement and adapt the threat assessment information gathering process to their work environments.
- Analyze case data using the Secret Service’s Investigative Themes.
- Design a case management plan for a person of concern.
This educational activity is intended for Behavioral Health Professionals (including Psychologists, Social Workers, Counselors, and MFT's), Student Affairs Professionals (e.g. Deans, Public Safety Staff, Health Center Staff), College Administrators, Residential Life Staff.
9-9:30 Introduction
10:30-12 - Interviewing and data gathering including assessment tools, SPJs etc.
12-1 – Lunch
1-1:30 - Management
1:30-3:50 – Tabletop
3:50-4 – Summary and resources
4-4:30 – Optional for Attendees: Group think session on interventions and strategies along with Q & A with the presenter.
9-9:30 Introduction
- Why mental health professionals are such a critical part of the process
- Some history and statistics
- The difference between reactive and targeted violence
- The pathway to violence
- Teams
10:30-12 - Interviewing and data gathering including assessment tools, SPJs etc.
12-1 – Lunch
1-1:30 - Management
1:30-3:50 – Tabletop
3:50-4 – Summary and resources
4-4:30 – Optional for Attendees: Group think session on interventions and strategies along with Q & A with the presenter.